Local Projects via “CAP” Grants

Cap Grant Archives


Rotary District 6060’s Community Assistance Program (CAP) provides an opportunity for our Rotary Clubs to use Rotary Foundation District Designated Funds (DDF) to undertake projects in local communities as a way of furthering Rotary’s objectives. District Designated Funds are equal to 50% of the donations made by our Rotarians three years ago.

In the 2023-24 Rotary Year, District 6060 is budgeting $40,500 from The Rotary Foundation to offer to our Clubs for CAP grant projects, which meet the program criteria.  We plan to offer this in the form of $1,000 grants, to be matched with a minimum of $1,000 of your own Club funds, to help your Club fund a project of $2,000 or more. Smaller projects are acceptable; the match will equal Club funds. These funds should be community service projects that involve the active, personal participation of Rotarians.  A Club may opt to submit the same project up to three times, but we encourage Club leaders to use the CAP Grant opportunity to address new issues and needs in their communities. The program is designed to encourage Rotarians to become more involved in their local communities and to strengthen their relationships with those communities. CAP projects must be Rotary Club sponsored, publicly identified as Rotary projects and of short duration.

When will Clubs and Districts be able to apply for grants for the 2023-24 Rotary year?

  • The application can be downloaded below.
  • It must be filled out completely and submitted to District Grants Chair Linda Puchbauer before June 30, 2023.
  • All applications must be filled out correctly and completely and it is recommended to submit them 2-3 weeks prior to the deadline, since most of them needed to be re-written before they qualified to be approved last year.
  • Applications must adhere to all Foundation Grant requirements and be approved by our District Foundation Grants Committee.
  • Criteria: Rules & Regulations are available here.
  • Every Cub that plans to apply for a CAP grant is required to have their 2023-24 President and the grant-writing Rotarian attend a Club Qualification Seminar. (NOTE: Individuals with documented completion of the Club Qualification Seminar are still considered Qualified and do NOT need to repeat the seminar.) 
  • After June 15, 2023 all applications will be evaluated using these criteria and Clubs submitting approved projects will be notified in early July. The grant funds will be sent to Club Presidents in early to mid-August, once The Rotary Foundation approves funding.
  • Work cannot begin until the Club has received the grant funds, and the project must be completed by the end of January 2024.
  • The final report, along with copies of receipts for goods purchased, must be submitted within 60 days of completion, but no later than Feb. 28, 2023.

Our District has had several CAP grants approved during the last several years.

Here are brief descriptions.

CAP Grant Application Form

Final Report Form

EXAMPLE of the Final CAP Report

Training Slides for CAP Grants, February 2023

For 2022-23 CAP Grant Information:
Email District 6060 Grants Chair Linda Puchbauer
[email protected]

For the CAP GRANT Archives, please click on CAP GRANT ARCHIVES tab under the FOUNDATION section on this page.



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